Lemo Lavender: Brewing the finest lavender flowers from the fields of France, our sparkling Lemon Lavender Green Tea will leave you feeling energized and calm - like you just had an epic day at the spa.
Natural Energy: Get this, the caffeine in green tea is naturally balanced with L-Theanine, a potent nootropic that promotes mental clarity. Each can of Tama Sparkling Green Tea has 45 mg of caffeine, giving you clean and focused energy. Plus, green tea is packed with antioxidants and minerals to support your health. Take that, energy drinks and soda.
Craft Brewed: Our sparkling tea is craft brewed in small batches using real organic fruits & herbs, spring water, and organic green tea.
All Good, No Guilt: Tama's sparkling green teas are free of sugars, preservatives, and artificial everything. No Sugar, No Calories, No Concentrates.
12 Pack: Each case of Lemo Lavender Sparkling Green Tea comes with 12 - 12 oz cans.